Legacy Technologies

Keep critical services online while delivering new features and products.

Every organization has technical debt, but each system is different. Sometimes you need to encase working APIs and build new user-facing experiences. Other times the core systems and logic need rewriting from scratch. And, often, there's a mix of both across a wide landscape of applications that all intersect at the same place and time.

Encasement patterns
(Re)build user-facing interfaces atop an existing API, rules engine, or database to avoid refactoring complex backend code while delivering a more intuitive experience.
Many teams don't have the option to stop service on a product and require a hybrid model of sustainment and new development. We can help write the roadmap that acknowledges critical user needs with technical blockers.
We can help your team start a new build with your old data. Sometimes a system is simply beyond salvaging and there are no good interfaces to transition into a better product or user experience. We can help get your important information into a more stable home and start fresh.